学習罫キャンパスノート 開発ウラ話

Thorough investigation by subject

A thorough investigation into the actual use of notebooks by junior high and high school students by subject.
We examined 500 notebooks written by 200 students.

  • 国語

    ・Write the main text with a mechanical pencil, and write the translation etc. with a pen.
    ・Write in large letters to enter translations and annotations.

  • 英語

    ・It is difficult to match the size of uppercase and lowercase letters.
    ・I want space to write points.

  • 社会

    ・A lot of copying from textbooks = a lot of text.
    ・There is no space, so fill it out.

  • 数学

    ・Draw graphs etc. freehand.
    ・In particular, the curves are not drawn clearly.・Complete the table and graph as a set.

  • 理科

    ・There are many detailed diagrams such as branch lines and circuit diagrams.
    ・If there is no guide inside the ruled line, it will not be possible to draw clearly.

  • 他社罫線を調査
キャンパスノート ドット入り罫線
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